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The Single Wives SA
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The Ladies
The Single Wives SA - Exclusives
The coaches say goodbye – Single Wives SA
The Truth: Our Single Wives experience – Single Wives SA
Where to from here? – Single Wives SA
The wives got candid when we sat down with them and asked them about their experiences on the very first season of Single Wives SA, as well as their future plans now that the show has ended.
Family Feelings - Single Wives SA
Justin and Mapaseka tell us how they would handle awkward and sometimes inappropriate questions about relationships.
Homecoming - Single Wives SA
What do the ladies miss most about home? What will they miss about the mansion? What will they do first, once they're home?
Friends Will Be Friends - Single Wives SA
Third-wheeling and threesomes: how involved are the ladies' friends in their romantic relationships?
Money Matters - Single Wives SA
Justin talks money - spending it, saving it - and how differing beliefs can cause conflict in relationships. But not all is lost! Watch and learn more.
The Mostest - Single Wives SA
Who's the loudest? Who eats the most? Who takes the most selfies. The ladies shed light on their habits in the mansion.
Conflict Resolution - Single Wives SA
There's always conflict in relationships, but it doesn't have to be a problem. Justin dishes details on successful conflict resolution.
Sex, money and raising kids – Single Wives SA
Ever wondered what couples argue about mostly? According to transformational coach Justin Cohen, sex, money and how to raise kids are top of the list. Here’s how to resolve those conflicts to ensure a healthy relationship.
Speaking fluent emoji – Single Wives SA
There were ups, there were downs, and there were plenty memorable moments from the Single Wives’ weekend away. How eventful was it? The ladies let their favourite emojis do all the talking.
Road Trip Essentials – Single Wives SA
The ladies share their must-haves for the perfect road trip; from snacks, drinks, down to what to listen to. Plus, they tell us who their ultimate road trip partner would be.
Hall Pass - Single Wives SA
The ladies namecheck which celebrities would land on their hall pass.
Choose Your Own Adventure - Single Wives SA
Skinny dipping, threesomes, and sex in the bathroom. The ladies tell us what route they'd choose.
Turn Ons and Turn Offs - Single Wives SA
Confidence, respect, and stimulating conversation! These are turn-ons for the ladies of the Single Wives' mansion; while smelly bodies, arrogance, and dishonesty are some of their turn-offs.
Getting Intimate - Single Wives SA
Clinical sexologist Catriona Boffard delves into the topic of intimacy and sexuality: common questions, tips, and more.
Powerful lessons from favourite fairytales – Single Wives SA
There are many important lessons to learn from kids stories; from Cinderella, to the story of the tortoise and the hare! Our Single Wives share their favourite takeaways in this behind the scenes clip.
Amazing transformations – Single Wives SA
From contentious communication and being closed off, to expressing their vulnerabilities and finally seeing the results, our ladies have been doing the work. Our coaches? They have definitely noticed.
Journaling and the connection to healing – Single Wives SA
According to transformational coach Justin Cohen, journaling and writing your thoughts and feelings down is therapeutic and is a powerful way to assist you to get where you are going. The ladies share their thoughts on this subject too, as they transform their lives.
Would You Rather: Phobia Edition - Single Wives SA
The ladies play another round of "would you rather", but are faced with fear-inducing scenarios instead.
Guess the Phobia - Single Wives SA
The Single Wives and Mapaseka guess what arachibutyrophobia, acrophobia, ranidaphobia, and other assorted phobias are.
Confronting Conflict – Single Wives SA
Mapaseka dishes out much-need advice on recognising, facing, and resolving conflict.
UNCUT: Pool Party Drama - Single Wives SA
It's a great day for a pool party, but that doesn't dampen the tension between Angel and Chantelle, in this extended pool party scene.
Meet the image consultant who is championing women – Single Wives SA
Professional image consultant, life coach and "champion of women" Sandra Adams details why it is important to put your best style foot forward in life and in love.
The Single Wives SA - Highlights
A breakup and a marriage proposal! – Single Wives SA
Genevieve and Nikki get tough – Single Wives SA
Helen finds herself, Tori finds Mark – Single Wives SA
It's the end of the road for Helen and Charles, but Helen is not crying about it – and with good reason. Tori, on the other hand, is giving it a shot with Mark.
Here’s to the season that was! – Single Wives SA
There was pain, there were tears and there were plenty of firsts; here’s a look-back at all the stunning moments from the first season of Single Wives SA.
25 Years Later - Single Wives SA
It's Geo's turn to be grilled and Genevievie's family is going back to that first kiss.
Chantelle Asks for Forgiveness - Single Wives SA
Upon her return home, Chantelle places her heart on her sleeve and ask her ex-husband for forgiveness.
Sister Sister - Single Wives SA
Helen and her sister Thelma sit down for a heart to heart and some good ol' tough love.
Saying Goodbye to the Mansion - Single Wives SA
The ladies are packed up and ready to say farewell to each other and the mansion, before continuing their journey at home.
Final Mansion Memories - Single Wives SA
It's almost time to go home, but the ladies find time to make a few more mansion memories with a maypole dance and a garden picnic.
Arm Wrestling Challenge - Single Wives SA
Justin challenges the ladies to an arm-wrestling challenge with a twist.
Spin the bottle, plus Tori’s new flame – Single Wives SA
The weekend away climaxes with a trip around the ocean on a catamaran. The ladies and their partners play a fun game of spin the bottle, while back in Joburg, Tori goes on a hot date
Straightening out the sisterhood – Single Wives SA
Genevieve opens up to the ladies about their last chaotic dinner. She encourages the ladies to keep the sisterhood alive via respect for each other, their friends and their partners
‘Stop judging yourself so harshly’ – Single Wives SA
Chantelle opens up to Mapaseka about the status of her and Dax’s relationship. The emotional one-on-one becomes a powerful moment of learning for Chantelle, who is evidently too hard on herself
To Bed or Not to Bed – Single Wives SA
After an exuberant dinner party, the ladies split off in pairs to discuss having their partners stay the night.
Rooftop Dancing – Single Wives SA
The Single Wives get in touch with their bodies with a rooftop dancing session in the heart of Jo’burg.
Let’s Talk about Sex – Single Wives SA
The ladies get frank about sex when clinical sexologist Catriona Boffard visits them at the mansion. Helen also makes an unexpected declaration that has Genevieve screaming with laughter.
A fiery “dedding” of the vows – Single Wives SA
The ladies read letters to their exes around a huge bonfire, burn them alongside symbolic remnants of their pasts, and finally untangle themselves from their marriage vows.
Reconnecting, explanations and closure – Single Wives SA
Genevieve links up with her “blast from the past” for coffee, while Tori and Barthwell wrap it up with a bow. The rest of the wives head out on dates with their partners too. Watch to see what happens.
A romantic dinner for two, times three – Single Wives SA
Dinner’s everything the doctor ordered for Genevieve, Chantelle and Angel, who are all taking things to the next level romantically with some very familiar (and very lucky) gents.
Daring Dates - Single Wives SA
It's time for more adrenalin-pumping action and romance with a fun group date.
A Tough Time for Tori - Single Wives SA
An emotional Tori starts questioning her relationship with Bathwell.
Leap Forward - Single Wives SA
The ladies have been taking great strides forward mentally and emotionally. Now it's time to take the next step in a symbolic, and very physical, way.
Trust the Process - Single Wives SA
Justin takes the ladies through a challenge that involves trust falls, appreciation, and tough love.
Big beer, small chicken – Single Wives SA
A funny braai mishap threatens to put a damper on the pool party festivities, but Genevieve proves she’s no chicken when she swoops in to save the day