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My Kitchen Rules South Africa

115CuisinePG13 L

Coffee and chocolate mosbolletjies with coffee Zabaglione

28 November

South African


Izak and Wessel's sweet dish

MKRSA3Ep11 8009 (1)


100 ml Nespresso Il Caffè, freshly brewed and cooled to room temperature

50 g Unsalted butter

100 ml Water

500 g Cake flour

10 g Instant yeast

5 ml Salt

6 ml Aniseed

60 ml Sugar

100 ml Full cream milk

100 g Chocolate chips 70.5% Callebaut, broken into pieces


100 g Castor Sugar

100 ml Water

60 ml Nespresso Il Caffè coffee


8 Egg yolks

Pinch of Salt

125 ml Sugar

275 ml Nespresso Il Caffè freshly brewed and cooled down

35 ml Coffee liqueur

250 ml Whipping cream

2 kg Ice cubes


6 Large eggs – separated

2 tins Condensed milk

250 ml Full cream milk

500 ml Whipping cream


150 g Dried apricots, prepared

150 g Dried prunes, prepared

15 ml Sugar

60 ml Brandy

150 g Shaved almonds, toasted


150 g Shaved almonds, toasted

4 Sheets of edible gold leaf



Making the mosbolletjies

Boil a kettle.

Pre-heat the oven to the lowest temperature setting for two minutes. Fill an oven-safe glass bowl with the boiling water. Fill the bowl so the water line is about 2.5 to 5 cm below the rim. Place the bowl of boiling water in the oven. You want the temperature in the oven to be between 26 and 32°C.

Make the Nespresso coffee, allow it to cool to a temperature of 49 - 54°C.

Melt the butter and water in a saucepan.

Take the butter and water off the heat and allow it to cool to 49 – 54°C. Stir over an ice bath if needed.

Sift the flour, yeast and salt. Add the aniseed and sugar.

Mix melted butter and water mixture with coffee and milk.  Add to dry ingredients and mix well.

Knead thoroughly with a stand mixer and dough hook until the dough is smooth and elastic. Approximately 8 minutes. Knead in chocolate chips at the end.

Let the dough rise to double its size in the oven set at its lowest heat - about 30 - 35 minutes.

Knock down the dough and shape it into a long sausage. Shape into 25g sized mosbolletjies.

Place against one another in a greased small loaf pan (8cm x19.5cm). 3 in a row and 6/7 rows. Cover and leave to double in size in the same speeding method as above. Roughly 30 - 35 minutes.

Heat the oven to 180 °C (170 on fan). Brush the mosbolletjies with coffee syrup and place in the oven. Bake for 22 – 27 minutes. Turn out of the pan and allow to cool before serving.


Mix sugar and water together in a heavy based saucepan. Place over a medium heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved.

Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes at a medium heat, skimming off any scum.

Add the coffee. Pass the syrup through a fine chinois and refrigerate until ready to use.


Switch on the ice cream churner.

Beat the egg yolks, condensed milk and milk together.

Whip the cream until soft peaks.

Beat the egg whites until soft peaks.

Fold whipped cream and egg whites into the milk mixture.

Place into the ice cream churner for 30 mins or until the ice cream is set.

Scoop into a small baking tray and freeze.


Slice the fruit into quarters and let it soak in 500 ml water for about 1 hour.

Poach over a medium to low heat in the soaking liquid until the fruit are soft.  Approximately 20 minutes.

Add the sugar and brandy and cook for another 5 minutes.

Toast the almonds until golden brown, in the oven and let it cool.


Prepare a large ice bath, and set aside.

You have to make this sauce over a saucepan with hot water.

Fill a medium saucepan with enough water to fit a glass bowl, that will not touch the water.

Bring the water to a boil and turn down and let it simmer.

In the glass bowl, whisk together egg yolks, salt, and sugar until very pale. Slowly add the coffee and coffee liqueur and whisk to combine.
Place bowl over the pot of simmering water and whisk until mixture has thickened and has tripled in volume. Approximately 10-12 minutes. The mixture should not heat up to more than 82°C. Remove the mixture from the heat, and immediately transfer the glass bowl to the ice bath.  Whisk until chilled.
In a large chilled bowl, whip cream to soft peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the chilled Zabaglione and place in the fridge until serving.


Place 100 ml of coffee zabaglione in a bowl.

Add 30 ml stewed fruit on top of the zabaglione in the centre of the bowl.

Place the coffee and chocolate mosbolletjie on top of the zabaglione.

Add a scoop of ice cream next to the mosbolletjie.

Place a small piece of gold leaf on the mosbolletjie

Sprinkle with toasted almond flakes.

MKRSA3Ep10 6535 (1)
MKR SA S3 Poster Cake
Sub Title

Karoo lamb croquettes