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Greg's duck à l'orange – MasterChef SA

07 March 2022
Try Greg's delicious duck à l'orange with confit potatoes and sultana flapjacks.
masterchef sa season 4 episode 2 duck a l orange

“The dish just carries me straight to my childhood and my parents’ kitchen. I would wake up, watch cartoons while drinking my hot chocolate. My dad would be busy peeling the potatoes while reading the newspaper, or busy with the orange zest. My mum would be by the stove, the smell of orange and roasted duck in the air. This is one of the dishes that changed my perception of food and also one of the only dishes I tried to get right, but can never do better than my mum." – Gregory Czarnecki

Serves 2

  • 2 duck breasts, skin on
  • Juice from 4 oranges
  • 100 ml dark brown sugar
  • 45 ml Grand Marnier liqueur
  • Splash of raspberry vinegar
  • 250 ml dark duck jus
  • 1 orange for peel
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  1. Pan fry scored duck breast, rest.
  2. Deglaze pan.
  3. Flambé.
  4. Prepare orange sauce using vinegar, orange juice, and lastly duck jus.
  5. Blanch thinly julienned orange skin. Add at the last minute.

Sultana flapjacks

  • 100 g golden sultanas
  • 250 ml fresh orange juice
  • 500 ml cake flour
  • 45 ml white sugar
  • 10 ml baking powder
  • 5 ml baking soda
  • 2, 5 ml salt
  • 500 ml milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 62,5 ml canola oil plus extra to fry
  1. Soak sultanas in orange juice.
  2. Make the batter.
  3. Drain the sultanas and add.
  4. Bake flapjacks in pan with some oil.

Confit potatoes

  • 4 all-purpose potatoes
  • duck fat
  • sprigs of thyme
  • whole garlic cloves
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper

Roast potatoes. They must be golden and crisp.

To assemble

1 orange cut into segments

  1. Slice duck.
  2. Plate with sauce, orange segments, and roast potatoes.
  3. Serve flapjacks on the side.

Watch MasterChef SA every Monday to Thursday at 18:00 on M-Net channel 101.
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