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Why Felicity is a sort of black widow – Legacy

15 November 2021
Love her or hate her – or both – Felicity Price is a woman to be reckoned with.
Felicity shoots King article legacy woman shoots man with gun

Felicity Price, the eldest Price daughter is the femme fatale we never knew we needed. Just when you think she has a heart, she does something quite the opposite. 💔 And when you think she is cold as ice, she does something to refute that.  💖 Anyone can get whiplash trying to keep up with her heart and mind.

Yet her tendencies has a flip side: she is a killer, no matter her reasoning. 💀

It got us thinking about the notion of black widows. Criminologist Dr Scott Bonn writes on the Psychology Today website: “The black widow serial killer is a woman who murders three or more husbands or lovers for financial or material gain over the course of her criminal career.”

Could  Felicity be a type of black widow, lethal if you cross her the wrong way?

“The black widow killer was featured in the 1944 classic dark comedy film Arsenic and Old Lace starring Cary Grant,” writes Bonn. “This highly popular film tells the fictional tale of two sisters who murder elderly gentlemen by serving them elderberry wine laced with arsenic.”

In that vein, Felicity is no doubt equally fatal. Her body count continues to rise, as noticed on these Twitter streets:

In terms of their methods, not all female serial killers are of the black widow variety. “The methods they use for murder are more covert or low-profile such as murder by poisoning.” Using a study, Bonn also identifies other preferred methods: shooting, suffocation, and drowning. We know Felicity likes guns because of shooting King, and she pulled one out on Msizi too. We know she also likes to use explosives. Remember James?

Does Felicity fall into the black widow category or is she simply fiercely protecting her family? Let us know on social media. Join the conversation using #LegacySA.  Find us on Twitter (@MNet),  Instagram (@mnettv), and Facebook (@MNet). Watch Legacy Monday to Thursday at 19:00 on M-Net. You can also binge-watch Legacy on Showmax or catch up on DStv.

Source: Psychology Today