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Travelling through the Karoo – Recipes for Love and Murder

04 May 2022
Apparently the size of Germany, the Karoo in South Africa offers something for any type of traveller.
Karoo article Recipes for Love and Murder

Dear viewers,

We continue to follow Tannie Maria’s footsteps from Scotland to South Africa. No, not in a creepy stalker sort of way, more like a voyage of discovery. 🌅

From the quaint and gothic Edinburgh, the Karoo is quite the opposite. It is a vast and incredible desert, much like the Australian Outback and both Arizona and New Mexico in the United States of America (USA).

And from what we have seen, there is more than enough to keep a myriad of visitors thoroughly entertained and satisfied.

We couldn’t miss the Square Kilometre Array near Carnarvon. This is where stargazers go to look for the absolute perfect look-out point. According to our research on the country’s official tourism website: “… imagine the day when more than 2500 of these wonderful techno beasts will be swaying in unison, listening to the universe.”

The Nama Riel is an old, riveting dance. Apparently going back to the days of the Bushmen, there has been an increasing interest since its revival.  We were lucky to see this spectacular dance, live, done by a school in the area. The Guardian website writes:  “Because dances are traditionally held on deep sand and involve swift kicking motions, the locals say it’s a good Nama Riel if “the dust rises before you.”’ 

The town of Prince Albert (where Recipes for Love and Murder was shot) seems to be a creative hub for artists: it has everything from galleries, fine food establishments, and photographic marvels. No words can do this might little dorpie (town in Afrikaans) justice, you’ll have to see it yourself.

While we’re enjoying this quiet slice of South Africa, we wish you were here, always. 🌍

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With all our love,

Image: A windmill in the Karoo National Park, South Africa. Getty
Sources: The Guardian and