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Girl-codes to live by – Love Island SA

24 March 2021
Here are the five our female Islanders have lived by.
Love Island SA

Though there might be different opinions around what can be considered girl-code, the idea is universal. Essentially, it is an unspoken rule amongst gal pals to always stick up for or protect one another.

Always back your girl during a break-up

No one messes with your gal pal! When a boy is misbehaving and doing her wrong, give her the love she deserves. If her heart is feeling “heavy and empty” after a split (sending you digital hugs, Millie), have her back in any way possible: even if it means keeping your ears on the ground around the villa (we see you, Summer), treating her with sweets (thank you, Thiala) and listen. Always take time to comfort her in any way possible. Listen and most importantly. You might feel the need to point out what she should have done differently. But it is essential that you also point out what she did right and what the boy did wrong. It would not hurt to tell her not to be too hard on herself. 



Always assist in the dressing-room

You shouldn't even think about this one! She is not allowed to leave the villa without looking ravishing for a date. Always assist her when she's getting ready, even if it means lending her some of your sexy lingerie (we know, Thiala and Summer). Does she have a wardrobe malfunction? Is she wearing too much blush? Are her extensions showing? Is the dress too tight? It’s okay to tell her. She needs to hear it and will thank you later. And never let her leave without words of encouragement. A confidence booster comes standard with this girl-code.  


Give a girl a heads-up before you pursue her crush 

We’ve seen this time and time again: Boy meets girl, boy whispers sweet nothings into girl's ears, they think they're falling in love, and all comes crashing down with the arrival of a new bombshell. To avoid the drama, stick to the number one girl-code: always have a chat with the girl who’s interested in the guy you’ve got your eye on. 



Don't let a guy get between you and your friend

If you’re stuck in a he-said-she-said-love triangle, nip it in the bud and get straight to the point: call the boy over to set the record straight. No boy is worth ruining a great friendship if he is in the wrong. We're getting deja vu of the Sara-Erin-Asad saga and still getting chills thinking about the Durang-Millie-Thimna drama. 



Always keep her secret safe

The only time you’re allowed to break this girl-code is when your bestie is in danger. Otherwise, you don’t say a word. Girl chats are sacred: nothing discussed should ever see the light of day – especially if it’s about a boy. 


Would you like to add to this list? Tell us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter using the hashtag #LoveIslandSA. Love Island SA airs Monday to Friday at 21:30 on M-Net, with an ‘Unseen Bits’ special airing after the Sunday Night Movie.