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How to make speed dates suck less – Single Wives SA

09 September 2020
Here’s how to ensure you get the most out of your speed dating experience.
speed date tips single waives sa s1

Spoiler: The text below may cause you to get many phone numbers.

Looking to *dip your toes in those choppy speed dating waters as soon as nature has healed? Here’s a grab-bag of tips to use when you’re about to do five-minute dates with 10 or more hot (and sometimes not) potentials. Grab a donut and a little bit of audacity and let’s proceed.


Have higher standards. Asseblief tog

We all gasped in horror (and laughed too, tbh) when we heard the hard-hitting and now legendary “as long as she can walk and has teeth, I’ll take her” line tumble out of the lips of the brave speed date hottie in the hat, in the premiere episode of Single Wives SA. Although we appreciate hottie in the hat’s blistering honesty, we would like to encourage you to have a little more faith in yourself and your prospects, please. When it comes to dating, never, EVER forget you are the Beyonce or Brad Pitt of your immediate universe and as such, deserve the world. What you’re seeking is out there. It is looking for you – and it will find you. Don’t compromise.


Keep an open mind

We know you have ‘The List’ locked away in a vault (or sock drawer) somewhere. Don’t act confused. You know the list we’re talking about. The ‘Perfect Partner List’ that probably no man or woman created will ever live up to. Yes, that one. It’s all well and good to know exactly what you want, but sometimes the man for you might be a dude from Brakpan with a soft belly and an affinity for the Spice Girls. Don’t shut down and miss out on great people because they snort-laugh and don’t have swimmer abs and a Micheal Phelps wingspan. Here’s a secret; personality and a great heart are king in the Game of Boys (and girls). Zig-a-zig-ah!


Don’t fire off questions like it’s an interview

Sure, you’re pressed for time, but firing off questions like you’re a high-strung and underpaid HR Manager running on too little coffee at the job interview, does nothing for your dating and sexy-time prospects. Nurture your get-to-know-each-other vibes on a speed date and that five-minute meet could lead to a second date where you can go deeper.


Relax and enjoy yourself

You are a complete person with, or without a partner – and meeting someone who is tailored for you is only the icing on the cake of life. Believe it! You may not strike gold, but have fun trying. The world is not endin– Hhmm, actually, let’s rephrase that because wow 2020 has been a raging dumpster fire; the world is not ending, AS FAR AS WE ARE AWARE, so don’t put too much pressure on your dates and especially not on yourself, cutie.

Hungos for more speed dating tips, but this time from the ultimate dating experts – our Single Wives SA coaches? Then hit the ‘Play’ button below.

What to do on a date

*Disclaimer: Only venture out when it is deemed safe to do so by health experts and our government. For now, please do stay home as much as possible, love on yourself and keep coming back to this article to prep for your big dating coming-out party when the world is not on fire anymore.

Watch Single Wives South Africa season 1 every Thursday at 19:00 on M-Net channel 101.