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Crazy Little Thing Called Love – Single Wives SA

13 October 2020
In the name of love.
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There are all kinds of wild stories leaping around the world wide web about the crazy things people have done for love. From faking deaths and robbing waffle houses to stealing Moon rocks and escaping from jail, look for the crazy and you’ll soon find it. It makes the ladies’ leaps in the latest episode of Single Wives SA look a little less cray-cray.

Our stomachs may have flip flopped with the ladies’ leaps, but they positively turned at some of the acts people have pursued in the name of love (like spelling out a birthday message in poop), so we decided to downplay the crazy and rather bring you equally elaborate, but slightly less nausea-inducing, varieties of big gestures, courtesy of your favourite celebs.

Kanye West’s Proposal
Not exactly someone counting pennies, the successful rapper, producer, and U.S. presidential candidate rented out an entire baseball stadium to propose to Kim Kardashian. He invited friends and family along to witness the event, and threw in some fireworks and an orchestra besides.

Khloé Kardashian’s Car
Speaking of the Kardashians, Khloé bought hubby and basketball star Lamar Odom a car after his championship win with the LA Lakers. But it wasn’t just any car: it was a $400 000 Rolls Royce.

Kristen Stewart’s Apology
After she cheated on her boyfriend and Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, Stewart issued a public apology. Considering that she’s not fond of the paparazzi, it was a pretty big gesture on her part.

Mariah Carey Does Disney
Searching for a wedding venue is arduous enough, but Carey wasn’t looking for one when she rented out Disneyland. Instead, she was looking for a place to renew her vows to Nick Cannon. Cannon made his own grand gesture of love by having Mariah’s name tattooed across his back.

Tattoo for Love
On the subject of tattoos, Cannon is hardly the first to emblazon the name of a loved one on his body. Johnny Depp did the same for Winona Ryder in the ‘90s, while Justin Bieber had Selena Gomez’s portrait applied. And there are countless more examples of celebs getting their partners’ names, faces, and bodies plastered on their skin.

Given that none of these couples (with the exception of Kanye and Kim) are still together, it just goes to show that grand gestures are not a guarantee of luck in love. You’re likely to find you’ll get a lot further in love with small gestures like making your partner a cup of coffee in the morning, bringing them their favourite chocolate, remembering they don’t like chocolate, putting the cap back on the toothpaste, or any other seemingly inconsequential thing that shows you’re paying attention.  After all, it’s the little things that count.

Watch Single Wives SA every Thursday at 19:30 on M-Net channel 101.

Images: Getty Images