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Tarryn De Kock (28), Senior Researcher, Cape Town

Signature dish: Harissa lamb ribs, peanut butter, and banana profiteroles.

Favourite heritage food and flavours: rooibos for its versatility, traditional chicken stew with amandombolo.

A researcher at the Human Sciences Research Council, the adventurous and bright – yet zen – Tarryn is happiest when she’s feeding people. Although she’s a self-confessed messy cook, being methodical and detailed helps her remain calm under pressure. Tarryn is a self-taught cook with a rustic style of Mediterranean and Asian cuisine mixed with South African.

Her food heroes are French chef and restaurateur Alain Passard and the late chefs and authors Lesego Semenya and Anthony Bourdain. An introverted academic, she is an engaging storyteller, especially on food’s connecting power. She has a tattoo of ramen on her arm.

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Life on the island
