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Silindokuhle ‘Sli’ Moroke (27), Content Creator, Johannesburg

Signature dishes: Beef lasagne from scratch, making his own patties and brioche buns for burgers.

Favourite heritage food: Pap, lamb stew with spinach or cabbage.

Previously working as an activations manager and now a content creator, Sli is the soft-spoken gentle giant loved by everyone. A fan of MasterChef Junior and British TV chef Gordon Ramsay, he entered the competition to prove to himself that he can take on challenges and learn from different experiences. The shy Sli’s style of cooking varies between African, Italian and American.

Sli’s memory of food and cooking goes back to chopping vegetables for his mother in early high school – it went from being a chore to something that he really loved doing. Winning MasterChef SA would put a stamp on his passion for cooking: he wants to travel the world to explore different cuisines and grow his palate.

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Life on the island
