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Survivor SA



Surname: Burger
Age: 27
Occupation: Industrial Engineeer
From: Queenswood, Pretoria

Jacques is a Survivor super-fan. He has watched every single season – sometimes more than once – and even dedicated a podcast to Survivor SA: Philippines in 2018. This real brainiac, who is for obvious reasons always stereotyped as the nerd in a group, is adamant that he wants to be known as one of the greatest players in the history of the TV franchise. “I may look like I am on a hunger strike,” the scrawny married industrial engineer says, “but I can hold my own in challenges.” His nickname “Die Lem” was apparently earned during his early rugby-playing days. On paper, Jacques is a meticulous strategist whose social game is on point. But will he live up to his own expectations when Survivor doesn’t play out on paper?

Geoffrey - Laumei
Leatitia - Laumei
