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The best reasons to film in a desert – Desert Rose

27 June 2022
It is not as barren as one would think.
people wearing black walking in a desert

When thinking of the desert, nothing really seems appealing. Sand, sun, dust, heat and very little reprieve and respite with nary an oasis. 

On the contra, cameras love this landscape. And after watching Desert Rose so keenly, here are some of the reasons that it makes for great TV. 

The space

From the land to the sky, there is a vastness to these sets that the urban landscape can never replicate. It is a freedom that is difficult to describe but one that is quite tempting to get lost in! 


Shades of gold, turmeric, fire, and saffron, juxtaposed against the cornflower sky, turn any shot into a warm welcoming scene. It is so comforting, you want to wrap it around you like a fluffy blanket. 

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Fauna and flora

Despite the harsh conditions, it is absolutely amazing that the landscape boasts such a variety of plants and animals that not only live there, but manage to thrive. 

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