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Famous frenemies - Inconceivable

25 October 2020
Marieke and Rachel are not the only besties that hit a bump in their friendship.
Famous frenemies - Inconceivable

It is no secret that Rachel and Marieke’s 20-year friendship is pretty much over. 

We have been in two minds about whose side we're on. Marieke trying to do the right thing, or Rachel trying to give Abby the life she would have never had with Tamsin and Nick.

Here are a few celebs who felt the pain of losing their “best friend forever”.

Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian

These two were childhood friends and Kim worked for Paris back in the day, but this all came crashing down when Hilton made a very rude comment about Kim’s rear in a radio interview in 2008. Today, however, the two are back on speaking terms and you’ll often find them leaving a comment on each other’s Instagram.

Katy Perry and Rihanna

These two songbirds had a falling out after the “Roar” singer gave Rihanna’s romantic choices a big, metaphorical thumbs down after getting back together with Chris Brown. The feud was so bad that Rihanna didn’t even show up to Katy’s and Russell Brand’s wedding in 2010.

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Katy Perry and Taylor Swift

These two didn’t fight over a boy, but rather over dancers. The songstresses were joined at the hip, but in 2012 things between the megastars went horribly wrong when some of Swift’s dancers left her Red tour early to join Perry’s Prismatic World Tour. In a 2014 interview, Taylor told Rolling Stone that the beef was purely professional and not about a guy.

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Gwyneth Paltrow and Winona Ryder

Back in the ’90s, these ladies were dating Ben Affleck and Matt Damon respectively. And because the boys were BFFs, the ladies became very good friends as well. This newfound friendship started breaking down when Paltrow got the role of Viola in Shakespeare in Love over Ryder and went on to win an Oscar for her role in the film. After that, nothing was ever the same between the duo.

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Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie

These two were probably the most famous BFFs the world has ever seen and the cause of their friendship going sour is still a massive mystery. In 2005 Paris told the press “Nicole knows what she did and that’s all I’m ever going to say about it”. The two are reportedly now on speaking terms but don’t speak often.

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Remember to tune in every Thursday at 20:30 to see how these frenemies navigate this lie and join the conversation on social media with #InconceivableSA on Twitter (@MNet), Instagram (@mnettv) and Facebook (@MNet).