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All the love โ€“ Still Breathing

19 May 2020
There's already anticipation for what could come.
Still Breathing S1 Ep12 Article All the love 1500x500

We've laughed with them, our hearts broke alongside theirs, and we've rooted for all of them in different ways โ€“ yes โ€“ Still Breathing's talented cast and crew have taken us along a worthwhile poignant journey.

As we look forward to the season finale this coming Thursday, 21 May, we've been overwhelmed in the best way by the great feedback we've seen on our social media platforms.

Already fans are waiting with bated breath โ€“ see what we did there? โ€“  for a possible season 2.

These are a few of the comments we've seen on Twitter:

Right now, all we can say, is watch this space.

The story of family, love, and heartbreak continues on Thursday at 20:10 on #MNet101. Follow the conversation with #StillBreathingSA on Twitter (@MNet), Instagram (@mnettv), and Facebook (@MNet).