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Every Little Emotion - Still Breathing

24 April 2020
The emotions rolled in on episode 9
Screenshot 2020-04-21 at 12.33.35

Last night's episode released yet another whirlwind of emotions as our Still Breathing characters gave us every little feeling. Here's our top pick.

Innocent Forgives T-Boss's Father
A slap and a gentle kiss. Sometimes forgiveness comes with a host of emotions. This beautiful moment taught us that forgiveness may be hard, but it's the best thing to do.

Candice Confesses Her Love For Trent
Candice lets the cat out the bag along with her emotions and declares her true love for Trent to Tegan and Trish"But I choose love, I choose love above everything else."  Love that is deep and words that cut deeper. 

Danny Breakdowns Infront Of T-Boss
Our beloved Danny is certainly between a rock and a hard place and turns to T-Boss for consolation. "I'm broken buddy." A heartwarming brotherly moment that sent shivers down our spine. 

Jess Pours Her Heart Out to Abi
Jessica is always coming to Abi's rescue and now it's Abi's turn. Jessica's relationship with Danny is on the rocks and Abi comforts her hurting sister. A sisterly love moment that found a place deep within our hearts.

Watch more emotions unfold with the drama that Still Breathing brings every Thursday at 20:00 on M-Net 101. Follow the conversation with #StillBreathingSA on Twitter (@MNet), Instagram (@mnettv), and Facebook (@MNet).