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The Wedding Bashers


The Wedding Bashers Roundup 11 – Boland Bliss

24 December 2018
Rounding up Johani and Phillip’s wedding.

Bells were chiming for Johani and Phillip in Tulbagh, in the latest wedding of the season. The Western Cape dorpie formed the perfect backdrop, taking the Bashers’ breath away…much like the bride did when she walked down the aisle.

Here’s our roundup of the rest of the wedding.


The bride looked absolutely beautiful and many agreed she was a highlight of the season so far. The real scene-stealer, for Zavion especially, was the breath-taking bouquet. The guests may not all have come to the black-tie party, but hey…who’s looking at them anyway.


The colour scheme was rich and romantic, perfectly complementing the dramatic background. Zavion may have wanted more flowers, but we thought the number was just perfect.


It’s said hunger is the best spice, and boy were the Bashers hungry. Made to wait forever and a bit the Bashers devoured the food once received. We loved the idea of a soup starter (turned into a soup battle, courtesy of Denise), and the dessert looked divine too.

WATCH: Pass the salt.


The marimba band was a hit with a Denise and we loved it too. There was also plenty of tequila flowing and very generous servings of gin. Add dancing, bubbly, wine, a sort-of proposal, and a bowtie for sale, and we’d say the evening was a hit.

WATCH: Hit and miss.

Loved Johani and Phillip’s wedding? You still have a chance to rate their wedding (or change your rating) and stand a chance to win a five-night getaway to Constance Ephelia Seychelles.

Click here to rate the wedding.

The Wedding Bashers was conceptualised by Gavin Wratten and is produced by [sic] Entertainment.

The show is broadcast on M-Net channel 101 every Sunday night at 18:00.

Watch interviews with the Bashers and wedding couples from The Wedding Bashers here.

Follow the conversation on social media using #WeddingBashers.