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House Of The Dragon

101Fantasy18 VL

7 reasons to get excited for House of the Dragon

04 July 2022
Fire up your dragons!
woman in period costume standing in front of dragon

You may read the title of this article and quite rightly ask: only seven? Because there are definitely more than seven reasons to get excited about House of the Dragon. HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel series is based on George RR Martin’s book Fire & Blood, which chronicles the history of House Targaryen.

The series starts this August on M-Net and Westerosi empires would rise and fall and rise again by the time we got through all the reasons you need to watch this show. So here are seven because, you know, the seven kingdoms, the Faith of the Seven…if you’re Game of Thrones-obsessed, you get it.

You’re a Game of Thrones fan
The first reason, and the most obvious, is that you watched Game of Thrones and were a major fan of the show. If you did not watch all eight seasons, you were never a fan. If you never got around to watching it (perhaps you were too young at the time) or want to rebinge the whole series before House of the Dragon starts, then sail on over to Showmax for all eight seasons. However, you do not need to watch Game of Thrones to follow what’s happening, because HotD takes place 200 years before the events in GoT.

You love fantasy
On that note: if you’ve never watched Game of Thrones, but are a lover of fantasy, this is a great show to add to your watch list. More so because you don’t need a GoT background. That being said, Martin’s books and the TV series are not as fantasy-heavy as some books, movies, and shows in this genre. Yes, there be dragons, but it’s also very centred on character dynamics (and drama) and especially the sociopolitical turmoil that comes with a scramble for power. So, if you enjoy period dramas, this show might hook you too. Of course, it’s completely fictional, but the power plays that unfold on screen are comparable to real-life scenarios.

You’re House Targaryen
Back to die-hard Game of Thrones fans: if you were always rooting for House Targaryen, Daenerys was your favourite character, and you lamented her fall from grace, you will love having a show focused on this house with the added bonus of the exclusion of all those moody Starks and exasperating Lannisters. They may crop up (this is Westeros, after all), but they’re clearly not the focus of the show otherwise the title would be House of the Wolf or House of the Lion…Hmmm, HBO, we have some extra prequel ideas for you…

The cast and characters
There are naturally a lot of Targaryens in the show, which is going to create a nightmare for our spellcheck over the next few months. They are played by an amazing cast including the esteemed Paddy Considine as King Viserys I Targaryen and Matt Smith (yay for Doctor Who fans) as Prince Daemon Targaryen. Relative newcomer Emma D'Arcy plays Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. She rides dragons and wants to be queen. We love her already.

We’ll also get to see characters that were not included in Game of Thrones such as members of the House of Velaryon, who dominate the seas as the Targayrens dominate the skies. One of the key characters looks set to be Lord Corlys Velaryon (also known as the Sea Snake) and is played by Steve Toussaint. The show will also focus on House Hightower, with Olivia Cooke and Rhys Ifans playing prominent members.

The costumes
A king, a prince, an aspiring queen, lords, and ladies are all present in this story – and a lot of the action will likely take place in King’s Landing or Dragonstone. At least we assume so, but there will definitely be a royal stronghold – and we know parts have been filmed in an actual castle in Portugal. As such, expect sumptuous costumes and characters dripping in all manner of jewels. The seafaring action promises great outdoor looks and who knows how the Targaryens kit up when they go for a spot of dragon-riding.

The music
Ramin Djawadi, the man behind that earworm of a title theme for Game of Thrones, is back in the composing seat. Of course, he wrote more than just the title theme, delivering powerful and stirring themes for every season, as well as music for the songs peppered through the show. We love his work (also hear him on the soundtrack for Westworld) and can’t wait to hear the music that will accompany House of the Dragon. We’re especially looking forward to the title theme.

It’s in the title, it’s on the house sigil, it’s on the poster. The mighty dragon. No Targaryen story would be complete without dragons. The bonus here is that dragons are alive and well, unlike in Game of Thrones where they were thought to have died out, until Illyrio Mopatis gave Daenerys three dragon eggs. So, get ready for plenty of dragon-fuelled action!

House of the Dragon starts express from the US on Monday 22 August at 03:00 on M-Net channel 101. It will also air later that day at 21:30 on M-Net.