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Stars in Love

10 February 2021
Check out who's dating who with our stars on M-Net City
stars in love

Valentine's Day is upon us and as we share in the love, we take a look at some of M-Net City's stars who have found love. ā€Ø

LucyĀ Hale

The gorgeous Katy Keene star has been linked to several celebs, including actor Riley Smith. Most recently, she wasĀ rumored to be dating US BachelorĀ Colton Underwood. Apparently, they only went out on a few dates and became close friends. According to this Instagram post, Hale's true loves are furry little babies she is helping rescue. ā€Ø

KJ Apa

Archie...oops, we mean KJ, has many fans eating their heartsĀ out, but stand back ladies, this man's taken. Here he is with his girlfriend, French model Clara Berry. They make such a stunning couple, don't you agree?

Lily Reinhart

She brieflyĀ dated her Riverdale co-star ColeĀ Sprouse, yetĀ fansĀ speculatedĀ thatĀ they wereĀ still together.Ā Both have since confirmed their break up but remain great friends and their on-screen chemistry is magic. Looks like Lily, much like Lucy, has lots of loveĀ forĀ cute doggies.Ā 

Camile Mendes

She may be vying for Archie's attention on Riverdale, but in real life, Ms.Ā Mendes is taken. Her boyfriend is Grayson Vaughan, a handsome and talented photographer. They're picture-perfect together.


Cress Williams

The star of Black Lightning says his wife is fire! We totally love that and we agree! These two are most electrifying!

Rosario Dawson

Dawson has found her soulmate in SenatorĀ Cory Booker. Beauty, brains, and pure brilliance in one picture.

Gywneth Paltrow

The actress was married to the singer and frontman of Coldplay, Chris Martin, for tenĀ years. She foundĀ love again withĀ  Brad Fulchuk, who is co-creatorĀ of the musical comedy seriesĀ Glee.Ā 

Watch these stars in action on M-Net City. ForĀ more starsĀ head toĀ ShowmaxĀ andĀ find love with all your favourites as youĀ catch up on DStv.

Images from header: Photo credit:

Cress Williams: Nancy Kuzerman/

KJ Apa: Birdie Thompson/AdMedia /MediaPunch

Lucy Hale: Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency