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Nick the sweetheart - Inconceivable

06 October 2020
Nick might be rough around the edges, but he has some soft spots too.
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When we first met Nick and Tamsin they were clearly different from the other couples on the show.

Struggling to get by and not making enough money to take care of themselves and the baby they had on the way.

We got to know them as the pro bono case that Marieke took on at the clinic and from the start, it didn’t look like Nick was completely onboard with the Doc. But he was just looking out for his girlfriend Tamsin and their baby.

When Nick found out that his baby girl was dead he caused a commotion at the clinic which ended up in a fight between him and James that ultimately injured Marieke.

After this, we saw Nick go down a dark road of drinking and picking fights, but lately, he has started showing us that he has a softer side to him.

Even though he doesn’t know how to show it very well, he truly cares for Tamsin and is trying his best to take care of her and Rodney. He has had a strange way of showing his affection, but whenever Tamsin has been in trouble Nick has been there to help and defend her.

Last week we also saw him bonding with Rodney a little more by taking him out to play some pool. Even though this was not the best choice for a bonding session with a young boy, we still loved seeing how he encouraged and supported him.

He also stood up for Rodney outside the school when the teacher was picking on him and demanded that he apologised to the boy for calling him out in front of everyone.

Nick is not the most clean-cut man we’ve ever seen, but his intentions are pure and his love for Tamsin shines through.

Here are a few moments we’ve caught Nick being a loving softy.



Remember to tune in every Thursday night at 20:30 as we learn more about this diamond in the rough. 

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