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Fabulous Footwear - Single Wives SA

11 November 2020
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
single wives sa season 1 episode 5 shoes (1)

The Single Wives have stunned us with fabulous outfits throughout the show, so far. Whether attending a pool party, going on a dinner date, or flying through the air, the ladies are always dressed right. And that includes their footwear. Right from the start, the ladies showed off their style, like this fab, fluffy pair Angel wore upon arrival in the mansion.

And they sure know how to rock a pair of heels, no matter the occasion or the location. Like Chantelle's killer pair in episode 2.

Of course, a spot of retail therapy after their session with image consultant Sandra Adams led to some shoe shopping.


The fans weighed in too.

Now the ladies have packed up, shoes and all, and are on their way home. Make sure not to miss their reunions with family and friends in the next episode of Single Wives SA, Thursday at 19:30 on M-Net channel 101.

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