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Favourite Moments - Inconceivable

08 October 2020
A small recap of our favourite moments so far.
Screenshot 2020-10-09 at 02.06.11

We are just aboutĀ halfway and this series has left us on the edge of our seat week after week.

Gasping, shedding a few tears, and even screaming at our television screens, Inconceivable has made us ask some difficult questions and think about our own friendships.

Weā€™ve compiled a list of our most memorable moments from each one of the episodes so far.

Episode 1

ThereĀ are few things more dauntingĀ than meeting your ex-girlfriend's husband, and especially if they are the quirky and socially awkward David Stein.Ā 

We loved seeing how David and Sisanda connected straight away in episode 1, even thoughĀ David was doing most of the connecting. This was the start of the funniest bromance to ever hit South African television sets.Ā 

Episode 2

This emotional episode took us on a wild ride of emotions. From the fight in the hospital when Nick found out that Angel was dead to the sultry salsa dancing double date. But while all of this was going on, there was a mother who had just lost a child and had to plan a funeral. Rachel's guilt was eating away at her and she offered to pay for Tamsin's baby to have a proper funeral.Ā 

Our favourite moment from this up and down episode was when Nick came to baby Angel's funeral after disappearing on a drinking spree. This heartfelt moment between him and Tamsin showed us just how much he truly cares for her and just how bad this loss was to him.Ā 

Episode 3

It is no secret that Busi does not want children and she makes sure that it stays public knowledge. Sisanda on the other hand is broody and would give anything to have littleĀ Nkosi kids running around their house.

After the awkward save in Natalie's kitchen, these two ex-lovers share a tender moment andĀ Sisanda admits to Natalie that he also desperately wants kids.Ā 

Episode 4

Our favourite moment in this episode was the intense argument where Rachel told Marieke that she is willing to do anything to keep Abby with her and that if need be, sheā€™ll take down her best friend with her. This showed us just how far a mother is willing to go to protect her child, and how far youā€™ll go to protect what you have.

Episode 5

Wesley has been picking up that something is wrong with Marieke from the start, and we have been picking up what an incredible husband he is. As a stay at home dad, he takes care of the kids all day while his wife is out running her clinic.Ā 

This week we saw just how much he adores his wife with the most adorable words of encouragement when she looked like she was comparing herself to Rachel.Ā 

Episode 6

Natalie and David are desperately trying to have a baby and unfortunately, David's approach has been a little too bland for Natalie's fiery personality. He has been trying to support his wife in becoming a mother, but as the timing schedules crept in the passion droppedĀ out.Ā 

After another fight with Natalie about her newfound spontaneous nature when it comes to trying theirĀ conception efforts, David decides to surprise her at work with an adorable babygrowĀ and an apology. How sweet?Ā 

Remember to tune in every Thursday night at 20:30 to see catch more thrilling, breathtaking and awe-inspiring moments on this incredible new drama series.

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