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The Wedding Bashers


Megan and Jason Clinch the Title - Wedding Bashers

27 January 2019
Megan and Jason win wedding of the season!

Surfer-chic newlyweds Megan and Jason left nothing to chance when they arranged their wedding. Every last detail was attended to with loving care, and they were richly rewarded in theĀ season finale of M-Netā€™s popular original productionĀ The Wedding Bashers, when they grabbed top honours for the season!

Hailing from the Eastern Cape, the coastal lovers walked off with a spectacular wedding gift from the show: prizes to the value of over R400Ā 000, while the runners-up each received prizes to the value of over R30 000 from Jack FriedmanĀ Jewellers.

Megan and Jason's seaside DIY-surfer-style nuptial celebration had all the thrills and frills, including beach yoga, surfing, photo booths, beer pong, entertaining speeches, and every catering station you can think of. It not only won over the Bashers but also the hearts and votes of viewers, who determined the overall winners.

They clinched a place in the Bashers' top 5 with the highest overall score of the season (39.5 out of 40), after impressing celebrity wedding guests Bernelee Daniell, Denise Zimba, Zavion Kotze, and Zola Nene with their food, fashion, dĆ©cor,Ā and entertainment. The other contenders of the season were Heather and Rafal with their Polish festivities which posted an overall score of 36.3; Danielle and Mario with their Brazilian Carnival celebration 34.6; Sue and Wesley with their traditional Christian nuptials 32.6; and Janine and Xander with their princess rose gold styled I doā€™s 30.2.Ā 

Former Miss SA, Bernelee Daniell was blown away when Megan walked down the aisle, ā€œOh my goodness, this is perfection. She looks incredible,ā€ she said. Wedding planner extraordinaire Zavion did his happy dance and likewise described this wedding as perfect: ā€œIf youā€™re going to do it yourself, this is how you should do it yourself. I love it!ā€. Entertainment expert Denise gave this wedding full marks. "These guys caught all the waves. Games, drinks, fun, laughter, good music, great speeches. Not a single a dull moment!ā€ Celebrity chef and food stylist Zola was impressed with the catering. "I loved all the extra touches at this wedding. The coffee and brandy truck, the cheesecake... all very well executed.ā€

Megan and Jason take home a whopping R250Ā 000 cash prize from M-Net, R100Ā 000 worth of jewellery from Jack Friedman Jewellers, and a five-night second honeymoon from Seychelles Tourism, courtesy of Constance Ephelia Seychelles and Air Seychelles, valued at R 80Ā 000.

Watch interviews with the Bashers and wedding couples fromĀ The Wedding BashersĀ here.

Follow the conversation on social media using #WeddingBashers.

The Wedding BashersĀ is created by Gavin Wratten andĀ is produced by [SIC] Entertainment.