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The biggest dumping so far – Love Island SA

01 April 2021
With five Islanders out, this Love Island cull was brutal.
Tania, Summer, Xavier and Chris are in danger on Love Island SA...

In one fell swoop, we lost Thiala, Josh, Summer and Chris, with Kitty opting to follow the latter – and her heart.

Here’s what went down.

Millie announced that the public had been voting for their favourite Islanders, and that Ross, Tats and Tione were excluded. Chris then read the names of the girls with the fewest votes: Thiala, Summer and Tania. The girl with the least votes and going home immediately was Thiala – just as she was beginning to grow in a relationship with Ross!

To say that she was devastated would be an understatement (and the look on Ross’ face says a lot too).

Then Thimna recited the names of the bottom boys: Chris, Josh and Xavier – with Chris getting the chop right there and then. Again, it was a stinging announcement: Josh had just started to explore an amorous season with Summer.

Watch the full clip!

In their exit interview, Thiala and Josh said that they were ‘devastated’ and ‘surprised’ to be eliminated from the villa, but otherwise seemed to be in good spirits.

It was then up to the Islanders – in their individual capacities – to vote to save one boy and one girl. Newbie Kitty was up first and she chose Tania, because ‘she still has a journey ahead’, and obviously the guys she’s building a connection with, Chris. More new entrants to the villa were up next – Ross opted for Summer and a newly joyful Chris, while Tione chose Tania and Xavier. Tats went for Tania – he wanted to explore a connection with her, after all – and his boys’ choice was Chris.

Mischka chose Tania, and the boy she thinks she has a permanent connection to, Xavier. Ian has always had Summer’s back, and that was the case here, and he though the villa would be a worse place without ‘this guy’s k** jokes,’ Xavier. Millie went for he ‘absolute best friend,’ Summer, and after last time’s magnanimous nod to her ex, Xavier, decided instead on Chris, who has become ‘someone I enjoy’ over the last few days.

That left us with Tania on four saves and Summer on three; and Xavier on three to Chris’s four. We ended on a cliffhanger: Asad saying ‘I love every single one of you – you have a special place in my heart…’

Let’s pick it up from the beginning of the next episode!

It was, of course, OG Summer, and Xavier. That meant the deciding votes were with Thimna and Libho.

The shocker was Libho choosing Xavier over Chris, the guy he entered the villa with, and with whom he’s had the most adorable bromance! And Chris had just connected with Kitty, and their relationship was just beginning to purr… Chris has some thoughts in his exit interview – and there’s tea on Thimna too!

He’s in this clip with Kitty because, of course, she followed her heart – out of the villa!

A scorcher. A rollercoaster. A jaw-dropper. Another day in the Love Island SA villa!

Love Island SA airs Monday to Friday at 21:30 on M-Net, with the #UnseenBits special airing after the Sunday Night Movie. Get early access one-hour before on any DStv-connected device! Join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #LoveIslandSA.