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Winners! - Single Wives SA

22 January 2021
Congratulations to the winners!
single wives sa season 1 episode 4 gallery (4)

Congratulations to the winners of the Single Wives SA competition. During the show, fans stood in line to win signed copies of Justin Cohenā€™s book Winning with Relationships. The prize also included a personal coaching session with Justin Cohen or Mapaseka Mokwele for four fans.

Here are the winners of Justin Cohenā€™s book Winning with Relationships:

Neli Nxumalo 
Angel Mashininis  
Liandra Gopaul  
Sylvie Mohlala  
Thiasha Naidoo 
Gillian Malouw
Elaine Nieman

Here are the winners of Justin Cohenā€™s book Winning with Relationships, as well as a personal coaching session with either Justin or Mapaseka:

Karessa Reddy 
Amanda Bayana 
Karen Lynn Nagel 
Sherin Setar 

More winners to be announced soon.