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The Good Fight

101Drama16 SL
Poster The Good Fight S5

In the fifth season, Diane is forced to question whether it’s appropriate for her to help run an African American law firm with Liz when the firm loses two top lawyers. Meanwhile, Marissa and the firm become entangled with Hal Wackner, a regular Chicagoan who decides to open his own courtroom in the back of a copy shop.

And The Violence Spread...

S5 | E10
25 October 21:30
'S5/E10 of 10 - And The Violence Spread...'. In the pulsating season five finale, it's too many courts and too little ti...


the good fight season 5 Diane Lockhart
Diane Lockhart
the good fight season 5 Marissa Gold
Marissa Gold
the good fight season 5 Jay DiPersia
Jay DiPersia
the good fight season 5 Julius Cain
Julius Cain
the good fight season 5 Liz Lawrence
Liz Lawrence
the good fight season 5 David Lee
David Lee
the good fight season 5 Carmen Moyo
Carmen Moyo
the good fight season 5 Hal Wackner
Hal Wackner