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Who do you tell first? - Inconceivable

05 October 2020
Marieke has had it with Rachel and the lie, but who will she go to first?
Screenshot 2020 09 23 at 13

Last week we finally saw Marieke run out of patience with Rachel and the lie that is now destroying not only their friendship but her life as well.

Marieke tried to go to the police, but after realising that they will not be as understanding about the situation as she has been, she leaves.

This left us wondering who Marieke will tell first. Letā€™s look at her options.


She could go to her loving and understanding husband first. Wesley has picked up that there is something wrong between Marieke and Rachel and would probably support his wife no matter what.


Will this new father be able to see things clearly if Marieke had to tell him? Although James is a stern businessman, when it comes to his wife and baby girl he is smitten. As weā€™ve seen with Rachel, emotions tend to overrule logic.


Marieke could turn to the one friend in their group that has no interest in having children. Busi would be able to give the most objective advice on this matter, and as a lawyer help both of them with the next steps to minimise the damage caused. 


Nats is desperately trying to have a baby of her own and might understand how far a mother will go to protect what she has. She is the most likely to take Rachel's side in this, but we'll have to wait and see if she ever finds out what her friend did. 

Tamsin and Nick

Marieke has been feeling extremely guilty for what happened to Nick and Tamsin, especially after she took them on as a pro bono case. Nick has been very skeptical about her and the clinic and has been expressing this from the start. Weā€™ve seen how both Tamsin and Nick stand up for Rodney and we can only imagine how hard theyā€™ll fight for Angel when they know that she is alive and with Rachel.

As Marieke faces one of the most difficult decisions in her life, we can only hope that she goes to the right person.

She stands to lose just as much as Rachel if this goes wrong.

Remember to tune in every Thursday night at 20:30 to see what Marieke's next steps are going to be. 

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