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Twitter Love for Inconceivable

09 October 2020
Some of our favourite tweets from #InconceivableSA
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The only thing we love more than amazing local dramas is the love it receives on social platforms. 

Over the past 6 weeks, we have enjoyed the community's response to the drama unfolding on their screens. 

Some fans simply share their disbelief at Rachel and the situation, while others are rooting for Natalie and Sisanda despite the fact that they are having a steamy affair. Other fans create their own memes and every now and then we see the cast enjoy the conversations too. 

Here are a few of our favourite tweets from people joining the conversation by using #InconceivableSA. 

Remember to join the conversation on social media with #InconceivableSA on Twitter (@MNet), Instagram (@mnettv) and Facebook (@MNet).