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Swift facts about Black Adam

22 August 2023
What you should know about Black Adam.
man in a antihero suit

Dwayne Johnson stars in your Sunday night movie Black Adam featuring the rise of Teth-Adam. Teth-Adam uses his powers for vengeance, gets imprisoned, and earns himself the name Black Adam.

Before Adam lands in your TV rooms or your place of comfort, we’ve put together a few facts that you might want to know. Ready? Steady? Shazam!

Hero or villain?

There's been debate about whether Black Adam is a hero or a villain. So which is he? Let’s put you out of your misery. He is known to crush both villains and heroes, which makes him neither a hero nor a villain, but an antihero.

Powered by Egyptian gods

What makes Adam so strong? He wields the power of six ancient Egyptian gods – he has the stamina of Shu, the swiftness of Heru, the strength of Amon, the wisdom of Zehuti, the power of Aton, and the courage of Mehen – making him a badass action character.

Shazam or Black Adam?

Dwayne Johnson had the tough choice of playing either Shazam or Black Adam, but he ultimately showed more excitement for Black Adam, stating that he felt the character was more interesting because there were layers to him. Black Adam has an intriguing journey: he starts as a slave and then becomes the antihero we all love.

No mercy

“Kneel at his feet or get crushed by his boot.” Black Adam is merciless and thinks is the best solution when facing his opponent.

Which of these Black Adam facts is your favourite?

Watch Black Adam this Sunday at 20:05 CAT on M-Net 101 or stream it on DStv. Join the conversation on social media @mnetmovies on Twitter, @MNet on Facebook, @mnettv  on Instagram, and @mnet on TikTok.