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Good Vibes Only - Single Wives SA

14 September 2020
Positive thinking only!
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Following six incredible women, Single Wives South Africa is taking them on a journey of discovery and transformation. As they lay their lives bare on the screen and two top-notch coaches - Justin Cohen and Mapseka Mokwele - guide them along the way, we're sharing good vibes and lines to live by. The journey extends to social media, a platform often known for vitriol and vice. But it can also be a space of positive thinking if we just put our minds to it. In that spirit, we're sharing good vibes only as the ladies, the coaches, and the viewers share positive thoughts! 

On getting up in the morning

On transformation

On self-worth

On strength

On blessings and celebrations

On making love lists

Watch Single Wives South Africa season 1 every Thursday at 19:00 on M-Net channel 101. Please note the show will move to 19:30 from 24 September.
Share your good vibes using #SingleWivesSA and #goodvibesonly.