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Nog Ian keer – Love Island SA

10 April 2021
We bid goodbye to an audience fave this past week, so here are a few of our favourite Ian moments!
Ian meer keer

Legendary for being single in the villa, he was initially coupled up with Rochelle, but – like all the men who fancied her – she friend-zoned him!

And let’s not forget that Ian was in a relationship with Thiala – until HE ended it THE VERY NEXT DAY!

Latecomer Danè, however, was not ready to ‘go to a farm’ with Ian!

He later told her, rather bluntly, that he hadn’t come to the villa to make friends! 😳

Tione had him in her top 3, but he never took the bait.

And he was very real about his lack of flair with the ladies!


His most fruitful dates in the villa were the ones with his weights!

This of course meant he was the most defined Islander!

He’s definitely a funny guy though, evidenced in that time the girls gave him a makeover – ‘go darker, go darker!’ 😂

And this beach hut howler.

The eyes in this moment.

And ‘That booty be poppin’’ in the Spy Code challenge! 🤣

We'll never forget the legendary Stoep Auntie sessions with Asad!

But finally, Ian left the villa as he came in: trying hard but barking up the wrong tree!

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