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Don’t break these bro-codes – Love Island SA 

06 April 2021
Here are five bro-codes to always abide by. 
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The bro-code is an unspoken rule amongst bros to always protect the other from harm or humiliation. You know the saying: Bros before …? The essence of this code is always having your bros back, especially when there’s a woman to impress. Here are some essential bro-codes never to be broken. 

Have your bro’s back 

You’re sus about the girl your bro is with, and he asks your opinion. What do you do? Your line of duty is to always be honest. You’re supposed to be as a bro. If you don’t trust her, tell him. Just like Xavier having Ian’s back with Danè. What a bro! He will thank you later. 

Get your bro to graft

Has your bro lost his mojo? Take it from Xavier, Libho and Asad: It is your duty as a bro to always advise your fellow bro on how to approach a girl. You need to encourage him to become the alpha-bro he’s destined to be. Especially when he’s in a situation where two other guys are trying to pursue her. Don’t let him sit back and possibly let the girl of his dreams slip through his fingers.  

Turn down the charm

About ten notches or so when the lady of his dreams is amongst you. Always say impressive things about your bro in front of her, especially when you’re alone with her. But also use this opportunity to try and figure out what she wants and liaise this information back to your bro (Ian, Asad’s got your back, bru).  
And remember the one golden rule when it comes to bro-code: If both of you are into her, the bro who’s been single the longest get to talk to her first.  

Avoid the mom, the sister and the ex

We know that one of the biggest bro-codes is to never date your bro's mother or sister. But the biggest violation of the bro-code – something even worst than dating the mother or the sister – is getting involved with the ex. Even if he gives you permission. If the opportunity arises, stop whatever you’re doing and just walk away, bru. Just walk away.  

Stick with the coalition

You can talk about your bro with fellow brows, but never ever talk badly about any of your bros with the girls they are trying to impress. Even though sometimes they can’t reach your levels of depth or go dumb in a group setting. Don't do it again, Ross! It might come back and bite you.  

Would you like to add to this list? Tell us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter using the hashtag #LoveIslandSA. Love Island SA airs Monday to Friday at 21:30 on M-Net, with an ‘Unseen Bits’ special airing after the Sunday Night Movie.