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Cats you have to follow on the gram – Love Island SA

06 April 2021
That ginger cat isn’t only cute, but serves as a muse as well.
Cats on the gram article

Despite the hottest singles from around the country congregating in a villa, you can trust a cat to steal the show, every single time. Case in point is when this ginger stepped into frame. 🐈

That fluffy tail. The warm caramel colouring. Those paws! Instant love and instant fame.

Here are a few other famous felines to follow on the gram. And you’re welcome. 😻

Skabenga at The Oyster Box

Cat summary: Skabenga is a gorgeous tabby used to a luxurious life at the Oyster Box Hotel, a five-star establishment in Umhlanga, Durban. His name is derived from the isiZulu word S’gebengu, meaning “vagabond” or “hooligan”.

His superpower: Making guests feel extra special by sitting on the laps of only a select few. 😸

His Instagram profile reads:
Local celebrity and resident cat @theoysterbox. My favourite hobbies includes sleeping, eating and yoga. Tag me in your photos and I’ll share my favourites.

Grumpy Cat

Cat summary: Famous world over for taking the internet by storm, Tardar Sauce is better known as Grumpy Cat. “We aren't exactly sure about Grumpy Cats breed; but she looks nothing like her mother or father. She looks similar to a Ragdoll or Snowshoe,” reads her official website. Her tiny size is attributed to feline dwarfism. Her memes often depict the cynical side of life. She passed away on 14 May 2019.

Her superpower: Adding much-needed dark humour to the world, something that will live forever. 😽

Her Instagram profile reads: The official Instagram for Grumpy Cat. The world's grumpiest cat! #TeamGrumpy #GrumpyCat #GrumpyCatForever

Smoothie the cat

Cat summary: With the greenest eyes, this stunning long-haired cat is adored around the world, having over 2-million followers. Her appearance is more regal than well-practised royals, ahem, we’re looking at you Queen Elizabeth.

Her superpower: Staring into the depths of your soul and making you see the universe in her eyes. 😸

Her Instagram profile reads: 👑 Queen of Fluff

Smudge Lord

Cat summary: This domestic short haired beauty is instantly striking with white fur, green eyes, and two dark spots on either side of his nose. His claim to fame is staring, quite disgustingly, at vegetables on a plate. The result? An overnight worldwide meme craze.

His superpower: Turning vegetables into something tasty for cats. 😹

His Instagram profile reads: Smudge – Table Cat. Comedian. The coolest meme cat in the business. Hating “vegetals” since day one. Never a poser, always a gremlin

A street cat named Bob

Cat summary: Like the Love Island SA cat, Bob is a ginger. What makes him different though is that he wears scarves, prefers to be chartered around the streets of London on his human’s shoulders, and is known to give people high-fives. Though he passed away in June 2020, his courageous story will live forever in books and movies.

His superpower: Getting attention from passers-by when his human, James Bowen, busked in the streets, or sold copies of The Big Issue, making them both famous and adored by millions. 😸

His Instagram profile reads: Street cat, soul-mate, subject of much-loved books and movies.

And because we’re feeling generous, here are bonus cats to fall in love with:

Featured image: Getty

Love Island SA airs Monday to Friday at 21:30 on M-Net, with the #UnseenBits special airing after the Sunday Night Movie. Get early access one-hour before on any DStv-connected device! Join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #LoveIslandSA.