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Hurricane Maddy - Legacy

30 June 2022
Twitter has been going mad for Legacy's latest baddie, Maddy.
Legacy Season 2

We love to hate them, and these past few months we have seen aย new Legacy baddie give us a reason to head to Twitter.ย 

Robbie fell victim to the charms of Maddy, Angelique's goddaughter, and almost lost everyone close to him afterย getting caught up in her manipulation tactics.ย 

Each week she slowly increased her grip on Robbie, pushing him away from his mum and best friend, all while trying to get him to claim a bigger stake of the family business.ย 

Here are a few of our favourite reactions from Twitter.





Join us every Monday to Thursday at 19:00 to see just how far Maddy is going to push her boundaries with Robbie and the Price family.ย You can also binge-watchย Legacyย onย Showmaxย orย catch up on DStv. Join the conversation using #LegacySA.ย Find us onย Twitterย (@MNet), ย Instagramย (@mnettv), andย Facebookย (@MNet).ย