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A 'hairy' issue – Still Breathing

21 April 2020
Good or bad, T-Boss' hair from the early 2000s got people talking.
T-Boss hair

Trent and Abi who? What wedding? You'd be forgiven if you missed their vows because T-Boss' hair stole the show during the look-back episode featuring Trent and Abi's wedding.

Here is a closer look:

The much-anticipated instalment of Still Breathing gave many viewers more than they bargained for when witnessing the fashion, hair, and make-up from the early 2000s. C'mon, it was in back then, we swear!

Siv Ngesi, who plays T-Boss, quickly shared a tweet when we got a first glance at his do.

But alas, it was not the case. And true to form, he rolled with it and provided much needed comedic relief.

See our exclusive interview with Amy Sprawson, the Still Breathing make-up and hair designer:

The story of family, love, and heartbreak continues next Thursday at 20:10 on #MNet101. Follow the conversation with #StillBreathingSA on Twitter (@MNet), Instagram (@mnettv), and Facebook (@MNet).