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My Kitchen Rules South Africa


Pear and Almond Cake

20 July

Recipe courtesy of Donald and Luyanda.


200g Unsalted butter

200g Caster sugar

2 Large Eggs

80g Ground almonds

100g Cake flour

1tsp Baking powder

1/2 cup Amasi

4 - 5 Pears

Icing sugar to dust

3 Tbsp Almond flakes

2 cups Full cream milk

2 squirts Vanilla paste

1/2 tsp Vanilla extract

2 Cinnamon sticks

1 Egg

2 Egg yolks

3/4 cup Sugar


For the cake:

Cream butter and sugar in a stand mixer

Add the eggs and continue mixing

Add the baking powder, almond flour and cake flour to mixture as it mixes in spoonfuls until al flour is incorporated and then mix in the Amasi

Set batter aside

Peel the pears and chop finely

Fry the chopped pears in a pan until soft

Stir the cooked pears into the cake batter

Spoon into individual cake moulds and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 180C

For the gelato:

Heat the milk in a saucepan with the vanilla and cinnamon sticks

Whisk together the eggs and sugar until frothy

Add the milk to the eggs slowly to temper the eggs, whisking constantly

Transfer milk and egg mixture back to the saucepan and heat slowly, stirring often

Once the mixture thickens slightly, transfer to an ice cream machine and churn until the desired consistency is achieved

Set in freezer until service

For additional pear elements:

Slice the pear lengthways thinly with a mandolin

Dry fry in a pan until dehydrated and set aside

Slice another pear into thicker slices and shape with a round cutter that is a similar size to the cakes

Fry the pear discs with maple syrup in a pan until soft

For finishing: Toast the almond flakes in a clean pan until light brown

Place a syrup glazed pear disc on each cake, sprinkle over some toasted almonds and sieve over a bit of icing sugar

Garnish with the dried pear slices

Place a quenelle of ice cream on each plate before serving

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