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The A - Z Of Asking Him Out! Single Wives SA

18 September 2020
Flip the dating game on its head
Single Wives Dating

Our gorgeous ladies of #SingleWivesSA have impressed us with their impeccable pick-up lines, bold moves, and of course running in heels with such ease in the latest episode. So if you've got an eye on someone special and are dying to make a move in the name of love, don't worry, help is here.

How do you make the first move? We've got the A to Z for you.

Ask and you will receive. Ask the right questions and simply ask him out.
Be bold and brave and just do it. You might just surprise yourself!
Confidence is key. Confidence is sexy. Confidence is cool.
Dive in, you will never know until you try.
Excel with words. The right words can work magic. 
Flirt! Whether you have to flutter those eyelashes or giggle a bit, flirting is cute.
Give yourself a pat on the back for trying.
Have a good time when you chat, be yourself.
Ignore the negativity. Embrace the positive vibes all around.
Joke around. Telling jokes is a nice way to break the ice.
Kill them with kindness. Be nice. It helps!
Listen up. Listen to what he has to say to keep the convo going. 
Man up. We sometimes think it’s a man's job to do the asking, but you can too!
Nail it! Make sure you give it your best shot.
Open up. It will make you real and honest.
Please and thank you. Be polite in your approach. No room for arrogance.
Quit stalling. Get to the point. He will appreciate it.
Respect his answer. If it’s a no, it’s fine, remember rejection is redirection.
Shake it off. If he is rude or not keen, shake it off and try again with someone else.
Take a breath. Breathe. It’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t go your way.
Understand what he is saying. Understanding shows you care.
Verbalise. Ensure you say what you mean and mean what you say!
X-hale the negativity.
You matter. Regardless of the situation or outcome, you always matter.
Zone in. Be present in the moment and enjoy. You've got this girl!

Now let's hear what the experts have to say:

Watch Single Wives South Africa season 1 every Thursday at 19:30 on M-Net channel 101. 
Missed an episode? Catch up with DStv Catch Up.